ounty Community College are teaming up for the third year in a row to tackle the ever-growing issue of homelessness within the community.
Homelessness is a rapidly growing issue all throughout the world, our country, and more specifically Bucks County.
United Way, a worldwide organization, has had a hand in combatting this issue since the 1880’s with about 1,300 locations nationally has made it their mission to improve the lives of the struggling members of our community.
United Way, concentrates on three main issues specifically: access to a quality education, a stable income, and overall good health.
This year marks the third consecutive year Bucks County Community College has been involved in the process.
“UW (United Way) Bucks, the Bucks County chapter of United Way, has partnered with the Bucks County Community College to bring unique volunteer experiences to the students, faculty, staff and alumni on one day called Volunteer Bucks.” Community and Volunteer Director, Danielle Bush, says.
To make things fun and entertaining, Bucks reached out to the students, staff members, and the clubs and programs in an attempt to spread awareness and ask for help.
“This year, we worked to increase participation by turning a traditional service project into a longer supply drive, plus a one-day volunteer opportunity,” Bush claims. “This allows more people to participate – even if they have a conflict on the actual volunteer day.”
Specific donations include basic household needs like paper towels, bleach, trash bags, along with several other items.
Candidates for the program are chosen through the three partners of United Way Bucks: Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County, Bucks County Housing Group and the Salvation Army (Levittown Corps). The candidates are clients of these organizations.
Bucks staff and students were able to provide 20 welcome home baskets and 60 toiletry bags for men, women and families who are homeless or in transitional housing. “We’re so proud of the Bucks team!” Danielle Bush, Director of United Way said when asked about the outcome of the event here at Bucks.
According to Bush, allocation of supplies will be distributed all depending on the situation.
“Each of our agency partners will work with clients and case managers to determine the best way to distribute supplies.” Said Bush. “Since some items will go to people who are homeless and some will go to families moving into transitional or permanent housing, the process will have to be on a case by case basis.”
The workings of UW Bucks and Bucks County Community College has had a tremendous impact on the community thus far. For more information, go to: