In July 2022, the Central Bucks School Board introduced a library book policy that banned several books from public school libraries. Some teachers got rid of many books even before the policy was officially passed in August this year.
Many of the books in question center around themes surrounding the LGBTQ community, race equality, and gender identity. As a result of the book banning’s, residents from the Bucks County area have spoken out on how they feel about the matter, and not a lot of them are happy.
However, with the bumping of heads between those for and against this policy, what do avid book readers and other members of the community think about this matter?
As a book worm through and through, Bucks student Paige Sailer, 21, had a lot to say about whether to ban these books. “Absolutely not, these are stories about marginalized groups of people,” Sailer declared.
Sailer then offered, “There are teens who identify with these groups, and not by choice. Are we really going to restrict black students from reading a book about race equality? When they surely experience inequality by simply existing?”
Along with Bucks students, normal members of the community of Doylestown, have exclaimed their opinions on these recent events by putting up “BAN GUNS NOT BOOKS” signs in front of their lawns.
Stacia Thompson, 52, a real estate agent from Doylestown, had this to say whether it’s fair these books are being banned. “I don’t think it’s fair that they’re being banned because the stuff in those books, well, we see it everywhere,” remarked Thompson.
“This is what I think is happening in these schools, I think they’re focusing on all these LGBTQ and race issues more so than the actual education. I think it gets to the point where this is really all we talk about anymore instead of looking at the real issue of how are we going to teach these kids this material.”
Censorship of touchy topics like LGBTQ rights and race equality have been going on for decades now. With that in mind, where is the line drawn when it comes to what is allowed to be published and what isn’t?
How far will censorship continue to try and silence these works of literature, or worse?
When asked, Sailer expressed how she’s scared for what could be up next to be censored. As many of these books have been removed due to sexualized content for children, how fine is this line that can’t be crossed when it comes to classics, like “Lord of the Flies?”
In reference to this, Thompson said, “The Lord if the Flies has vivid descriptions of young boys being naked while swimming and running through a forest. It also has one of the most brutal scenes I have read and is ultimately about man’s struggle with himself in society and savagery. It is also one of the most celebrated classics to date. Will this be banned?”
Thompson also brought up her concerns as well for what censorship in schools will do for future generations of children.
In conclusion, Thompson felt, “Once they start to chip away at what we have, it doesn’t seem like it’ll just stop. Whenever they start censoring books, it’s like, what’s next? They keep saying that there’s this freedom of speech, but really, is there?”
As the years pass by, it’s likely more and more use of wrongful censorship of these views and or groups of people targeted by these banning will continue. However, for those looking to support these banned titles, local bookshops still carry many if not all of the vilified books.
Glenda Childs, owner of the Doylestown Bookshop, says it’s important to them that they keep their banned books section for all to see. “Our whole mission is to preserve and keep these books available to the general public, for all diverse groups of people to purchase and enjoy for themselves,” said Childs.
Keeping these titles up on any shelves will help show to children of the modern age how the world has evolved to need and appreciate these types of controversial stories. Though, if the Central Bucks School Board continues to crack down on what they deem inappropriate, what will be forgotten and what will be no longer accepted in our society if we’re taught to forget these books?