The Tyler Literary Society held its first annual student showcase on April 11 in the Gallagher Room. The showcase encouraged students to share their original works and creativity through art, short stories, poetry, music, film, and much more in a supportive and laid-back environment.
Those featured in the showcase include group members, officers and affiliates. The inspiration behind the first showcase was to “get our club’s name into the public so they could know we’re not a book club but a hub for creative minds,” says Tyler Literary Society vice president Cherry Kivumbi, a 19-year-old Communications major from Newtown. “This was also due to the fact that many people would bring content to the club and felt they wanted others to share their craft with more than just club members.”
For those who missed the showcase, the Tyler Literary Society will also distribute a magazine at the end of May that will feature original works from our students. The magazine is a place for not only the student’s written work, but as well for the visual artist on campus also are given an opportunity to publish their artwork. The organization releases a magazine per semester so that the students of Bucks always have an opportunity to voice their opinions and showcase their talents.
Group meetings are held every Tuesday from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in room Grupp 230 for all those who are interested in making new friends while getting constructive criticism and hearing other stories as well as sharing your own ideas. New members are always welcome and those with a creative streak are always encouraged to join in and share in the group!