RadioBUX, the radio show created on campus by students and staff, is a student-advised program that brings the Bucks community together by creating an entertaining way to get informed, learn and enjoy music.
Rhiannon Oser, a 22-year-old Behavioral Science major and current advisor of RadioBUX, joined the club last semester as a member. She enjoyed the show and eventually took over as the advisor this Spring semester starting in January 2024.
Oser hopes to make RadioBUX more alive by bringing students together and creating connections with each other through shared passions of music and radio. RadioBUX allows students to be in the know, saying “RadioBUX is for everyone.”
To start these connections Oser presently has a “Bring Your Own Vinyl” event in the works. Students would bring their own vinyls to Bucks, listen to a diverse range of music from other students and staff, share some food and drinks and create relationships across campus. This event is not officially scheduled yet, but Oser hopes for some time this May.
The showtimes on air are still sporadic, but Oser and other DJs on the show such as Liam Sullivans and Dr.Sharon G. Hoffman, a reading professor in Language and Literature, do have specific on-air times.
On Tuesdays you can tune into Sullivans Sports Show from 5 – 6 p.m., the Doc Hoff Show, airing on Wednesdays from 1- 3 p.m. and Oser’s Show on Thursdays from 1 – 3 p.m.
Oser hopes RadioBUX can become more involved with students and staff’s day-to-day life on campus in the future and gain more recognition this semester.
Students can find the RadioBUX studio on the Newtown Campus right by the Cafeteria. If you are walking by and interested in learning more or joining RadioBUX they have a QR Code posted on the door to scan.
RadioBUX is always looking for new DJs, interviewers and shows. Anyone at Bucks, student or staff, is welcome to apply to RadioBUX. Students can apply on the RadioBUX website or email Oser at [email protected].
Stay tuned into RadioBUX to hear new upcoming events, a variety of on-air shows, and of course good music. Students and Staff can listen to RadioBUX and find their official schedule and events at Another way to listen in to RadioBUX is the app TuneIn Radio. Students can also view @buxradio on Instagram run by Oser.