Raffaele Esposito a baker from Italy in the Southwestern region is credited for being the creator of Pizza in modern times but pizza goes farther back. 1000 years flatbreads were featured with toppings consumed by Ancient Greeks, Ancient Romans and Ancient Egyptians but in recent times flatbreads with tomato sauce, toppings and of course cheese would be born in Italy
in the city of Naples.
Despite the beloved meal only being for Neapolitans of the working class, it wouldn’t be until the 1940s that pizza finally got its popular appeal because around that time Italian Immigrants brought their slices of deliciousness to the United States of America.
The word “Pizza” comes from “Pitta” which is Greek, but it is also theorized that “Pizza” came from the word “Bizzo” which is Langobardic for “Bite.”
Bucks County Community College alumni Patrick Meyer said, “It’s a simple recipe, but it’s also one of my favorites. I’m kind of a fussy eater. I don’t like a lot of different things. You can order it after a long busy day and it’s also healthier than most fast foods.”
Pizza is not only food to some people but it means unlocking fond memories among communities and businesses or friends and families, especially schools, carnivals, movie theaters and even dates.
Bucks Student Justin Henderson said, “Pizza is definitely important to me. 1. I love a good slice of pizza! Eating some pizza includes some of my best memories. Whether it’s eating out with my family, or having some late-night slices with friends. Whenever there’s pizza, there’s usually fun!”
As years went on, pizza evolved shapes and toppings as well such as Cheesesteak Pizza, Burger Pizza, Pickle Pizza, Chicken Quesadilla Pizza, Taco Pizza and has even included gluten-free and Vegan Options.
“The many toppings and the shape of it and you can eat however many u want!” Says Devin Thekkudan of Bucks County.
Be sure to keep on enjoying that slice with every little bite and taste of that delicious bread and cheese Bucks County friends.