Students love their cars. A recent article showed this. Imagine you are heading out to the parking lot after a long day of classes.
All you are thinking of is plopping down behind the wheel, cranking up the heat or A/C (depending on what the weather is), plugging in your iPod, and driving home.
You walk up to your beloved vehicle, and find a horrid gash in the paint going down the side.
Beginning in late March of this year, six Bucks students have had this experience. Most of the incidents occurred during the daytime, and one was reported during the evening.
The majority of the incidents have occurred in lot C.
The first incident occurred on March 26 in Lot E. It is unknown exactly when the vandalism occurred, but the report was filed at 9:23 p.m. Photographs were taken, but the owner of the vehicle declined to call the police.
The second incident occurred on the morning of March 30. The vehicle was parked in Lot C, and the student filed the report at 10:55 a.m. He reported that his car had been keyed. Photographs were taken and the Newtown Police Department was notified.
In the third incident, the same student’s car was vandalized again on April 2. The student was again parked in Lot C and noticed new scratches on his vehicle. The report was filed at 12:40 p.m., pictures were taken, and once again the police were notified.
The fourth and fifth incidents occurred on April 6 in Lot C. The first report was filed at 12:00 p.m., and the second at 12:20 p.m. Photographs were taken, and Newtown Police were called, and responded, to the fifth incident.
The sixth known incident occurred on April 9 in Lot B. The report was filed at 12:10 p.m., and photographs were taken.
All incidents are still under investigation by both BCCC Safety & Security and the Newtown Police Department. Dennis McCauley, director of Safety & Security, said it is unclear if the incidents are related.
The damage to the vehicles varies from incident to incident. Some vehicles were keyed, and McCauley recalled that modeling clay was placed on at least one vehicle.
McCauley also recalled that one vehicle had a burn into the rubber weather stripping around one of the windows, thought to be caused by a cigarette.
No witnesses have come forth, but Safety & Security is actively investigating, looking at each case for similarities, and working closely with Newtown Police.
“We do take it seriously and if we find somebody they will be prosecuted” McCauley said.
In the meantime, McCauley has a message for students: “I ask students to be observant when they are in the parking lot and call us if they see anything suspicious.”
If you see anyone acting suspiciously in any of the school parking lots, it is recommended that you call the Office of Safety & Security at 215-968-8395, immediately.