Photo courtesy of Brendon Lauff
A suspicious incident at the Newtown Campus was posted on the announcements page of My Bucks, and acts as a reminder of the importance of staying safe on and around campus.
The initial report is stated as follows and is viewable on the announcements page.
“Security is investigating a report that two males in a gold car asked a female student to get into their car & help them find parking. The female student declined but was shaken by the encounter which occurred in the S-2 parking lot at the Newtown Campus on Wednesday, February 6th in the late morning.”
“The males did not have physical contact with the female nor did they issue any threats. Anyone with information on this incident is requested to contact Security at 215-968-8911.” Newtown Township Police were notified of this incident.
After interviewing Dennis McCauley, Executive Director of Safety and Security, it was stated that to the best of his knowledge that the incident has been resolved.
The two males were identified as students that were attending the college, and they were in need of assistance for parking.
“The thing to take away from this incident is that the young lady was absolutely correct in reporting this to campus security,” said McCauley.
McCauley also encouraged all students to “know and beware of your surroundings,” and “report anything that seems out of place or suspicious.” McCauley also encouragesd students to sign up for the Bucks Text and E-mail Alerts by either texting Bucks to 79516 or signing up for the e-mail alert at Bucks.edu/e2.
McCauley further suggested that students add the number for security to their contacts for their cell phones, the number being 215-968-8911. Incidents like this and the previous threat made against the campus in September of 2018 serve as a reminder the need to practice safety and always be alert.
These types of incidents show how there are many outlets for students and staff to get the latest campus updates.
Students have a lot of information to access on the Security & Safety page of the Bucks website. Various resources include Health Alerts, Active Shooter Protocol, Daily Security Log, Evening Student Shuffle Service, Parking Permits, Campus Motor Vehicle Regulations, and Handicap Access. All of the resrouces are focused on making campus a safer place.
The security page also has other links/resources labeled as the Campus Alert System, a Shelter-In-Place Protocol, Emergency Closing Info, an Annual Campus Crime Report, an Information Guide for Victims of Sexual Assault, Megan’s law, and other related pages.
This event shows students and staff to always report any suspicious actvity seen on campus. Even if it’s a false alarm, it’s better to be safe than sorry.