When I walked into Rollins 127 for my first time in August 2018, I had no idea what was in store for me over the course of the next two years.
I was new to Bucks and a recent graduate from Central Bucks East High School. I had no strict career path in mind. I enrolled as a journalism major because I liked to write, which made it seem like a good fit. However, I wasn’t sure unsure if I had chosen the right major. The first class of my college career was news reporting and writing taught by professor and advisor to The Centurion Tony Rogers.
I remember I was more worried about finding the correct classroom than what I would learn in the actual class. But, I became I intrigued when I found out we would be writing for The Centurion in this course. I can recall the excitement I felt when I received my first story assignment. The feeling remained when I was able to see the story published in The Centurion’s first issue of the semester. There’s a sense of pride and a feeling of fulfillment felt after seeing your work published at any scale. I quickly realized that I was in the exact perfect place for me.
Now, almost two years later I am wrapping up my third semester as Editor in Chief of The Centurion. When I first arrived at Bucks, I would not have believed that I would be stepping into this role after just my first semester.
However, what I discovered is that Bucks is a unique place. There are few places in higher education where the opportunity of transitioning from a staff reporter to Editor in Chief can happen within a semester. Nevertheless, the opportunity presented itself and I was up to the challenge.
I was intimidated by the position, but it gave me the direction I needed. The staff members of The Centurion are able to immerse themselves in the college which is why I enjoy working for the paper. We get to showcase the students at Bucks. For the first time in my academic career, I was a part of something that I truly cared about.
Participating in The Centurion has completely enhanced my college experience. I have written about a vast range of topics, from local elections to anxiety in college students. All of which made me feel like I was contributing to my community.
While my final semester as Editor in Chief was cut short by a global pandemic, the skills and experiences I gained will stay with me. I am forever grateful to all the Centurion staffers I worked with during my time at Bucks. I also am especially thankful for the guidance and knowledge I received from Rogers over the past two years.
I learned something from everyone along the way, and the work produced over this last year and a half was high in quality. I will miss our weekly Thursday staff meetings and that is not just because of the free pizza.
I am beginning the Fall 2020 semester at Rider University, and I know I will be well-prepared due to my tenure with The Centurion.