John D. Smitherman, the man
who the Miami Herald has called
“the Mario Lanza of the century,”
is coming to the Gateway Auditorium
on Nov. 14 at 7:30 p.m. to
entertain with his highly acclaimed
tenor voice.
He has been honored by being
chosen as one of the Three American
Tenors, and has performed all
over the world showcasing his
amazing voice.
His many achievements include
multipal shows on Broadway, including
“Oklahoma,” “Showboat”
and “South Pacific;” he’s also performed
in many operas, such as
“Madama Butterfly” and “Le
Nozze di Figaro” (The Marriage
of Figaro). “He can hold a note as
well as Pavarotti,” says The NY
Natalie Kaye, the program director
for Student Life, has
arranged for Smitherman to perform
here. She feels that concertgoers
will really enjoy his
versatile vocal style.
“I have seen John perform for
the past two years at the Bristol
Riverside Theater, and was really
impressed by his talent and musical
ability. I told him that I
wanted to bring him to the college.”
During a recent survey for the
college, Kaye discovered that the
kind of program people would be
most interested in attending was
musical theater, so she tried for
more than a year to bring Smitherman
to Bucks. It wasn’t until a
few months ago that the pieces
began to fall into place, and the
college arranged for him to be the
final act in the “Bucks Live”
music festival.
“I would like students to leave
this concert with a greater appreciation
of musical theater, and the
way a talented performer can grab
an audience and move it through
m u s i c , ”
Kaye said.
She feels
that any
s t u d e n t
with an appreciation
for a great
v o i c e
would benefit
Smi t h e r –
man’s exper
i e n c e ,
talent, and
If you
have a love
for musical
theater, and
if you’re
in this amazing talent, then come
support the arts at Bucks!
Broadway star to sing at Bucks
November 3, 2009