Rider University has a scholarship for juniors and seniors that will pay 100 percent of their tuition.
The STEM Scholars program is formally known as “Rider University’s STEM Scholars Future Teacher Scholarship Program,” which is funded by the National Science Foundation, according to the programs site on Rider.
According to a brochure by the program, the president asked on the nation to produce 100,000 new science, technology, engineering, and math teachers by 2021.
The program was started in response to help get teachers into “high need” school districts like Trenton. The teachers teach the STEM subjects: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
It is run by Dr. Danielle Jacobs, an associate professor Chemistry at Rider. It is also run by Prof. Peter Hester and William Larrousse.
According to the site, the program is open to transfer students with an interest in science, math, or education. A STEM focus is recommended.
There are many benefits that come with this scholarship: stipends, memberships in associations, covered cost of expenses, job placement, and professional development.
This is also in addition to 100 percent tuition support for the junior and senior years at Rider.
Cathryn Jolley is a STEM Scholar who works as a 6th grade science teacher in Hamilton, according to a FaceBook post.
She has been quoted as saying, “It’s overwhelmingly exhausting but so much more rewarding than I ever could have imagined.”
She loves every day, and she said, “I look forward to see my student’s smiling faces every morning.”
She said that Rider prepared her well, and she will always be grateful, according to the Facebook post.
Rider University guarantees in “getting you a job in a high school that is in great need of a STEM teacher,” said the school’s website.
For every year of full tuition support, you’ll be “committed to teaching two years for each year of full tuition support.”
If interested, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/stemscholarsrider, or contact Danielle Jacobs at 609-895-5667.