Corinna Fake the President of the Psychology club is calling out to any students Interested in Psychology She invites you to help build a new and stronger club, “There are a few ways to join. 1. You can show up to one of our meetings. 2. You could reach out to the presidents via email. 3. You could contact one of the club advisors, Dr. Tiffany Andrews or Lauren Reiver.”
Fake says that the club is run through zoom at the moment “We meet on Thursday at 12:30pm. Our club meets on zoom, but we could go back to in person soon.”
Fake says that the club needs more people in leadership positions, “At the bare minimum, we need four people. All officer positions have to be filled, President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. With that said our club runs better with more people the more the merrier.”
The psychology club is not just about discussing psychology as Fake says, “We study together. We do all different kinds of activities. If you see any mental health awareness board while walking around campus, that’s us! Last Fall, we held a bake sale on the main campus, and we were able to raise money for those in need in Bucks County. We also had a winter clothing drive and donated the clothes to a Women’s place in Doylestown. That is what the psychology club is all about.” she goes on to say, “Some of the things that’s go on in a Psychology club are open discussions, mental health awareness events, guest speakers, community service and mock experiments.”
Fake makes the club’s goals clear, “The Club’s goals are to promote Psychology and a better understanding of the field. Also, raise on a personal note, because I am graduating from bucks soon, my goal for this semester is to leave the club in a solid and sustainable position.”
Fake says just checking it out would be a help “Join one of our meetings, ask questions, and get involved. There are no commitments; we are happy to have new and prospective members, even if just for a meeting. I would also say there is nothing to lose, but you can start building with those who will one day be working alongside you in the field. Its’s never too soon to start networking.”
To contact Fake about the psychology club email