COVID-19 has been disturbing our usual activities of daily life for the past few years. Which has taken away most of the fun being involved when seeing our friends and family. This extended period time seems to be fading away as mandates are beginning to be lifted and more people are going to walk around mask free and begin to live the normal life again.
Bucks has also started taking the initiative to lifting some of the mask mandates, which only requires masks in the classrooms and labs.
Covid-19 wasn’t easy for most of the students here at Bucks. Dylan Ziccardi was one of the many affected. Currently an Early Education Major, he splits classes from online and zoom to going in person at the Upper Bucks Campus in Perkasie.
“I’m looking forward to going out more, and to go to concerts again.” Ziccardi said.
Students on the Newtown Campus are also really looking forward to seeing this pandemic slowly disappear.
Gabby Falconio, now a sophomore at the college, has really missed doing things in the normal world when Covid hit 2 years ago. She is looking forward to Covid being done and over with.
“Well, there were a lot of things. Like going to amusement parks and vacations in general…. Traveling out of the states to visit family and close relatives for special occasions, birthdays, Easter, Christmas, etc.”, said Falconio.
Austin Williams, a communications major, is more of a stay at home, and hard-working student.
“I don’t get out of my house a lot. But I like the idea of being in class without a mask, maybe even going without a mask indoors including in classrooms and labs. It’s just nicer because I feel like a lot of people are done with it at this rate.” Williams said.
Tim Youse, a non-major student, who also runs the Poker Club here on campus, is really looking forward to what the future brings to him with the pandemic dying down.
“I look forward to seeing more live music shows.” Youse said.
“I would probably be more excited if there weren’t vaccination mandates that’s held up a lot of plans that most people would have to travel places. Where some countries don’t even let you in if you are not vaccinated. I have no idea how clouded my perception has been because of that.” Youse stated.
If there were no vaccination mandates, he doesn’t know how freely he would be thinking.
“Unfortunately, there is this cloud above us, like we can’t do this or that because of the pandemic. Besides that, there was nothing else to it.” Youse said.
Students seem to be feeling freer to go out and do what they want now that the pandemic is being eased from our shoulders. It has been a long time since we have since lived in 2019 before the virus cancelled a lot of our plans and got us concerned of our safety.
“Doing those fun things brings excitement into life, and creating memories is part of living.” Falconio explained.