Are you looking for a mentor? The B.U.C.K.S. mentoring program helps students connect with members of the community and is a great opportunity to learn more when navigating college. The goal of the program is to “give students a sense of community and representation,” Marcelous Jones explains. The program supports underserved students that might need some extra assistance whether it is help towards college, or planning for the future.
The mentors that are provided are a part of the Bucks County area and genuinely want to help students. The B.U.C.K.S. Mentoring program begins spring semester 2025. If you are wondering how you can get involved or if there is a specific day you must apply to the program, just know that “the program is ongoing” Marcelous highlights. You can join the program whenever, and you can contact Marcelous Jones who is a part of the Business, Innovation, and Legal Studies Department to get involved.
The benefits of using the bucks’ mentoring program is that you have the ability to reach out to someone and have them guide you as you navigate college and your future goals. Not only do you learn from a mentor, but it also helps the mentor get to learn more as well. The program costs no money, time is the only commitment.
The program is open to all students but specifically helps underserved students in minority groups. Students interested in the program can talk to a mentor for an hour or two every two weeks. The program doesn’t just focus on gaining college help, it focuses on topics outside of school as well.
Marcelous also describes that “It supplements learning and puts it into practice being able to use the resources provided.” It helps students learn more about ways they can apply those resources towards their future as well. The program also offers a place where students that have questions about certain topics regarding school or the workforce, can reach out to a mentor and get answers.
Marcelous also highlights the importance of the mentoring program for the students is that it helps, “connect them with mentors through commonality.” The mentors are prominent figures in Bucks County, that want to help the students succeed by answering questions regarding college and beyond. Most of the mentors are provided based on similar interests so they can provide pertinent advice.
In addition to the excellent support the program provides students, it also gives them networking opportunities. Students also stay motivated by having someone to talk to. Overall, the B.U.C.K.S. Mentoring program is a great way to get involved with the community and learn more from others.
If you are interested in joining, you can contact Marcelous Jones at [email protected]