The new Board and Card Game club at Bucks invites and welcomes any newcomers who are interested in playing board or card games that could require several people and space for setup.
The club’s primary objective is to create an open environment for other people to spend time and enjoy activities — such as board games or card games. Their club is orientated mostly online and in a specific social app meant for communities and groups of people to be in.
They utilize an app called Discord to stay connected with one another for such purposes. Members are able to freely send responses or suggestions whenever and wherever.
With the app, anyone can simply suggest a card game through an online game and those who wish to play can join. Additionally, a person can also propose a specific time and place to play the said board game or card game for the other members to participate
However, the server does have its rules, such as the first rule being that you are to be civil, welcoming, and respectful towards other peers who joined the club. Their second rule is that any examples like NSFW, discrimination, or trans/homophobia of any kind, are not permitted on the server and club; though content that may be suggestive or potentially disturbing is permissible, if requested to take it down, you should comply. The rules continue with a few more which members are expected to follow.
The club offers a wide variety of game choices, and the list still grows with many more suggestions and requests that members can make. They can set any events for themselves or with others. They can even have in-real-life meetups to either spend time with one another or to play a selection of board/card games.
Currently the club has around 20 members, with club creator – who goes by IceeCream, hoping to find more. “I would like to have around 30-35 fairly active members but I know how life gets.” When asked about hosting anything specific coming up, they responded with, “I’m planning on hosting different tournaments such as pokemon TCG, magic, Root, and other games.”
With how often the club meets, as IceeCream — the creator of the club — said, “depends on the person… We do a free style kinda thing where people will ask if anyone wants to come on campus on a certain day or days and play.”
When asked what their members enjoy the most about their club. IceeCream replied, “I’m honestly not sure since the club is super new. But I personally hope that it can become a way for people to not only meet new people and friends but also give love to underappreciated games that very little people know about.”
IceeCream ended the interview with, “Since the club was made only a month ago I don’t have any memorable experiences yet but I’m sure I will soon!”
If you would like to be a part of the Board and Card Game club, check them out on the Bucks+ Suitable app.