former naval officer and
u.s. representative Joe sestak
is running for the Pennsylvania
senate seat in the upcoming
2010-midterm election.
sestak was born in secane,
Pennsylvania and graduated
from cardinal o’hara high
school in springfield, a suburb
of Philadelphia. he graduated
from the u.s. naval academy
(with a Bachelors of science
degree in u.s. political systems)
in 1974. in 1980 and
1984, sestak earned his
master’s degree and a Ph.D. in
political economy and government
from harvard university.
serving in the united states
navy, sestak rose to the rank
of admiral. he resigned in
2005 after a 31-year naval
career. he is highest-ranking
former military officer currently
serving in congress.
sestak served under former
President Bill clinton on the
national security council as
Director for Defense Policy .
according to sestak’s campaign
website, http://joesestak.
com/aboutJoe.html, he
was elected to congress in
2006 to represent the area
where he was born and raised:
the 7th congressional District
which encompasses Delaware
county, northwestern
Philadelphia, and parts of
chester county.
in 2008 sestak successfully
ran against republican nominee
Wendell craig Williams
and won by a 20-point margin.
Last february sestak discussed
how he had been
offered a high-level job at the
White house if he would give
up his candidacy for the
Pennsylvania senate seat, held
by arlen specter at the time.
Bill clinton offered him the
job on behalf of the obama
administration. sestak refused
the offer in order to participate
in the 2010 election.
sestak will be running
against republican candidate
Pat toomey in the midterm
earlier this year, on may 18,
sestak achieved a political
upset when he defeated arlen
specter in the Democratic
senate primary. specter, one of
the most enduring figures in
Pennsylvania politics, has
served in the senate since 1980
and is most notable for his
“switch” of political party
affiliation in 2009.
specter was a republican
since 1965 until he switched to
the Democratic Party in 2009
because he believed that by
changing his party he would be
re-elected as a senator.
His stance on key issues
Jobs and the Economy
supports small businesses as a
way to revitalize
Pennsylvania’s economy.
Voted for economic stabilization
bills to provide credit
availability, so that americans
would not face unavailability
of loans for automobiles, education
and other consumer
created the hope for
homeownership Program to
prevent more housing foreclosures
co-sponsor of the student aid
and fiscal responsibility act
of 2009
encourage states and public
colleges/universities to create
more flexibility for transfer
Voted for america’s
affordable health choices
act, allows individuals and
small businesses to purchase
private insurance at the same
discounted rate that only large
employers currently receive